Over the years, my practice’s emphasis has increasingly focused on family law—especially divorce, alimony, property division, child custody, and child support—and appeals of family law cases. I practice family law because I believe it is important to help parents develop and maintain relationships with their children and to help spouses preserve their lifestyle when their marriage is no longer working.

Among experienced family law attorneys I am unusual in practicing without a paralegal or associate.  This means my clients always deal directly with me.  Every family law situation is unique. Having one and only one legal professional focusing on the matter means that I am learning directly from my client and others involved in the case.  For more complex matters I sometimes employ (with my client’s permission) a colleague to assist and divide responsibilities.

Being one of the few South Carolina family law attorneys to do significant trial and appellate work provides me an unusual perspective on handling cases at the family court level.  Because of my extensive experience in appeals, I begin each case considering what evidence I might need to sustain a successful or overcome a disappointing trial result on appeal.  This focus informs strategy and evidence gathering at every step of the litigation process, including the vast majority of cases that settle before trial.

Put Mr. Forman’s experience, knowledge, and dedication to your service for any of your South Carolina family law needs.

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