South Carolina Supreme Court revives application of domestic abuse statute to unmarried cohabitants
November 18, 2017
On July 26, 2017 the South Carolina Supreme Court, in the case of Doe v. State, 421 S.C. 490, 808 S.E.2d 807 (2017), remedied the equal
Supreme Court finds valuation of Greek farm preserved for appeal–remands issue to Court of Appeals
November 15, 2017
N.B., the Supreme Court subsequently slightly modified the opinion discussed below. See Supreme Court adds one sentence to the Conits opinion. The November 15, 2017 Supreme
Equal protection challenge to domestic abuse statute leaves law in chaos
August 8, 2017
N.B., as anticipated below, the Supreme Court subsequently modified its decision and revived the application of the domestic abuse statute to unmarried cohabitants. See South Carolina
Disciplinary opinion clarifies rules on records subpoenas in family court
November 16, 2016
#79 on my November 14, 2011 list of “One hundred things I don’t know about South Carolina family law,” reads, “Can one issue subpoenas duces
It just became a little easier (although still not very easy) to sue DSS in tort
December 6, 2015
There is a common complaint among attorneys who do appeals that they do not recognize the fact pattern described in their appellate decisions. The belief
December 3, 2015
I probably should have noted this when it came out, but on October 28, 2015 the South Carolina Supreme Court, in Hudson v. Hudson, 414
October 8, 2015
The October 7, 2015 Supreme Court opinion in Moore v. Moore, 414 S.C. 490, 779 S.E.2d 533 (2015), is the first published South Carolina appellate opinion to distinguish