The only two goals of responding to discovery

March 10, 2018

There are common bad practices of responding to discovery. One often sees responses that are incomplete and only partially respond to the request. The rules

Materials from preparing for family court temporary hearing lecture

March 2, 2018

The following is the outline for a presentation Elizabeth Stringer, Karen Fine, and I presented at the Charleston School of Law on January 12, 2018. 

What’s the question(s) you fear the most?

February 17, 2018

A colleague, after watching a recent presentation I did on trial preparation, emailed me his appreciation. Part of his comment, “My favorite nugget: ask my

The time to start thinking about trial is when you start the case

February 8, 2018

Prospective domestic relations clients often begin their search process by determining whether they want a “negotiator” or a “litigator.” If they hope to resolve the

How automatic discovery has changed my family law practice

November 7, 2017

It’s been six months since the South Carolina Supreme Court mandated automatic discovery in family court. I didn’t expect this rule change to change my

What you think, what you know, and what you can prove

October 14, 2017

One goes into a hearing or trial trying to establish various facts that will hopefully lead the court to rule in the desired manner. However

Falling into the tiger pit of prior consistent statements

September 9, 2017

About a decade ago I represented a pre-teen girl in a DSS abuse and neglect case in which she alleged her stepfather had sexually abused

Best methods for equalizing physical custody

August 23, 2017

There are some custody cases that will only settle if both parties get equal time with the child(ren). Thus a sizable subset of custody cases


