The most obvious malpractice there is in South Carolina family law
January 17, 2019
About five years ago–after being burned for the umpteenth time by entering a temporary consent order binding my client to a temporary support without first
Defending the client’s deposition
December 1, 2018
An attorney tasked with defending a client’s deposition is doing most of the work prior to the deposition. While I have a frequently asked question
There is no formula to predict South Carolina alimony obligations
November 28, 2018
There’s a chart circulating amongst South Carolina family law attorneys that lists most of the published alimony opinions and has columns for the amount of
Shouldn’t a party’s assets be a factor in “ability to pay” family court attorney’s fees?
October 25, 2018
E.D.M. v. T.A.M., 307 S.C. 471, 476-77, 415 S.E.2d 812, 816 (1992) is the seminal South Carolina case in deciding whether to award a prevailing
October 5, 2018
By the start of this millennium I believe I had developed a reputation for overtrying my domestic cases: that is, I was considered an attorney
August 6, 2018
When I first started trying custody cases a quarter century ago, the family court was pretty uniform, and uncreative, in its awards of visitation to
Vacating court approved agreements
May 12, 2018
Most family law attorneys will occasionally get contacted by an unhappy litigant who wishes to “appeal” his or her court approved agreement. The simple answer
Three methods of reducing the impact of an unfavorable guardian ad litem report
April 20, 2018
The typical response of an unhappy litigant to an unfavorable guardian ad litem report is to accuse the guardian of bias. While in rare instances