In equitable distribution, not all dollars are created equal
October 9, 2010
Should you retain me to handle your divorce and should equitable distribution of your assets and debts be an issue, at some point I will
Why certain women are better off with lump sum alimony versus permanent periodic alimony
October 9, 2010
I provided a second opinion recently, reviewing a settlement proposal that a divorcing wife was hesitant to execute. She was married to a high income
An unanticipated use for the guardian ad litem’s periodic billing statements
October 8, 2010
As part of the private guardian ad litem statute, “[t]he guardian ad litem must submit an itemized billing statement of hours, expenses, costs, and fees
Challenging improperly issued ex-parte support orders
October 7, 2010
In South Carolina most child support or alimony orders in which the support will be paid directly have a standard provision involving late payments. This
Seeking paternity testing and joint custody
September 15, 2010
While nothing in the law prohibits it explicitly, I’ve never understood how attorneys can counsel their male clients to demand DNA paternity testing, especially for
Court ordered sibling visitation in South Carolina
September 12, 2010
One of the more recent additions to the South Carolina jurisdictional code regarding children and family court, § 63-3-530, is subsection 44, which allows the
High income child support in South Carolina: extrapolation versus the “Three Pony Rule”
September 12, 2010
A belief undergirding support guidelines is that children are entitled to enjoy a lifestyle similar to their parents, but if daddy has an entourage does