A suggestion on how to define a “major” decision involving the child for purpose of triggering a duty to consult

April 28, 2011

I was in a mediation earlier this week in which my client was seeking a requirement that his children’s mother consult with him before making

Why I no longer accept service of rules to show cause

April 2, 2011

Yesterday two different attorneys asked me about accepting service on behalf of a client for rules to show cause.  While I will routinely accept service

(Don’t) throw me in the briar patch

March 19, 2011

It’s a shame that Joel Chandler Harris’ Uncle Remus books are considered racist nowadays due to their trickster tales and use of plantation-era African American

Revealing or shielding a family court attorney’s itemized statement of time spent

March 19, 2011

An attorney’s itemized statement of time spent on a case can be a valuable piece of information for an opposing party and that party’s attorney.

When attacking the opposing party is counterproductive

March 7, 2011

Perhaps because the legal process involves the resolution of conflict, and because conflict requires parties to be in opposition, folks involved in litigation reflexively believe

Sandbagging opposing counsel: don’t do it

February 28, 2011

A colleague came to me today seeking advice.  Opposing counsel had served her client with a rule to show cause but the service hadn’t been

Making the defendant testify in the plaintiff’s case-in-chief

February 12, 2011

I have never understood the general preference of litigants and attorneys to be the plaintiff in family court proceedings.  “You get to go first,” is

Playing the jerk to encourage dispute resolution

January 22, 2011

Sometimes a guardian ad litem can assist resolution of a custody dispute by doing things that initially make the parents unhappy.  This won’t render the


