Hold on pardner, where’s the fire?

March 1, 2012

One of the hardest tasks of family court client control is counseling clients to be patient when they want immediate results.  This task is rarely

Combining rehabilitative and permanent alimony

February 22, 2012

For reasons that are only marginally explicable, South Carolina attorneys and judges are reluctant to issue orders or enter agreements that combine rehabilitative alimony with

To reduce the coverture fraction, file then negotiate

February 12, 2012

Typically, when a separated or separating spouse contacts me to negotiate a separation agreement, I suggest working towards reaching an agreement before I file an

The custody witness few ever think to call

December 3, 2011

There are lots of obvious witnesses in a custody case: the child’s teachers; the child’s coaches; the child’s mental health professionals; the parents of the

Defending false allegations of untimely support payments

December 2, 2011

Counseling clients to pay support by having their bank mail the support check can be a useful prophylactic for defending false claims of late payments.

Piling on

November 19, 2011

Did an uncontested fault divorce yesterday in which the pro se defendant failed to appear.  To prove the defendant’s habitual intoxication required testimony and evidence

Thinking about Pareto optimization as a tool to achieve settlement

November 11, 2011

Few math majors go into law and those who do rarely go into family law.  I’m one of the rare family law attorneys who often

Rethinking my opposition to family court arbitration

October 1, 2011

For a few years my friend and colleague, Barry W. Knobel of Knobel Mediation Services, LLC, has been encouraging me to rethink my opposition to


