Reviewing family court temporary hearing affidavits before beginning argument

May 23, 2012

Under South Carolina Rule of Family Court 21(c), “affidavits filed at a temporary hearing need not be served on the opposing party prior to the

The uses and misuses of ambiguity in family court agreements

May 15, 2012

Some of the most contentious family court litigation I have handled involved modification of prior family court agreements in which the agreements were ambiguous to

Mismatched incentives in family court ordered marital home sales

April 27, 2012

Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  I would not claim South Carolina Family Court

A second whack at the piñata

April 25, 2012

I just finished a trial in which opposing counsel employed a counterstrategy I had never before encountered to a strategy she had suspected I would

Gotta walk before you can run

March 29, 2012

Quite often in my practice I will meet with a parent, typically a mother, who has been under an order of supervised visitation for a

Taking 30(b)(6) depositions for family court cases

March 22, 2012

Since few family court cases involve corporate or government agencies as witnesses or parties, family law attorneys rarely consider the benefits of noticing a deposition

Well you married ‘em

March 22, 2012

Though it might be legally relevant, I try to avoid having my clients focus on the bad behavior of their spouses that pre-date the marriage

Mischief potential in restraints against disposing of marital property

March 19, 2012

Many family court attorneys routinely seek a restraining order at the beginning of a marital dissolution case against “disposing of, hiding, encumbering, or in any


