Contempt sanction notice in family court orders
August 7, 2013
I actually have a form file, contempt sanction notice, that contains language I infrequently include at the bottom of proposed family court orders: Take notice
How to help a family court litigant who failed to show up for trial
August 1, 2013
A couple times each year I will get contacted by a family law litigant who failed to show up for trial and wants to appeal
Seeking protective orders for private investigator information
July 19, 2013
Since adultery is often a bar to alimony in South Carolina, family law attorneys here frequently employ private investigators (PIs). However, even when such PIs
Failing to answer a family court complaint can be malpractice
July 18, 2013
Recently I was an expert witness [for the first time in my career] in a legal malpractice case. I was asked to provide an opinion
July 12, 2013
Sometimes, in contested custody cases, parents seek more time with the children than they actually want or can realistically handle. The motivation can be malevolent:
Renegotiating with litigants who won’t obey their previous court-approved agreements
March 22, 2013
Folks who refuse to comply with their court-approved agreements but then ask you to renegotiate those agreements to make them more to their liking are
Going for the “easy kill” in contempt proceedings
March 11, 2013
Clients seeking to hold the other party in contempt for violation of a family court order often present a mix of potential contempt claims. Some
Using prior consistent statements to bolster credibility
February 23, 2013
A few years ago I was court appointed in a Department of Social Services abuse and neglect case as the lawyer for a twelve year