Waiving alimony by committing adultery affects more than just alimony

November 26, 2015

South Carolina’s alimony bar to spouses who have committed uncondoned adultery (S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-130(A)) is unique in United States alimony law. It reflects

(Don’t) Meet me halfway

November 17, 2015

There’s a hilarious scene in the movie Bad Santa in which the head of mall security, Gin (played by Bernie Mac) has discovered that the

Mutually assured dysfunction

October 9, 2015

Sadly, there are way too many custody in which both parents have “issues” that would lead their fitness to be questioned if the other parent

There is no relief from judgment for intrinsic fraud (or do your due diligence)

September 13, 2015

South Carolina Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b) list five different ways one can use a streamlined procedure to obtain relief from a judgment within one

Negotiating alimony or equitable distribution without financial declarations

September 4, 2015

How many times have I been seduced by an opposing attorney’s siren call to negotiate alimony or property division issues before that attorney’s client will

Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

August 9, 2015

There’s a divorce client from five years ago who I have remained friends with on Facebook. When I first met him–and began representing him–he was

Obtaining reimbursement of uncovered medical bills

July 27, 2015

South Carolina’s child support guidelines include a provision for payment of unreimbursed medical expenses for the children. Per these guidelines: The guidelines are based on

Updated checklist of questions whose answers can derail a custody or visitation case

April 27, 2015

Last August I posted a word document containing a checklist of questions that can derail a custody or visitation case.  Being informed recently by a colleague


