Betting on an estranged spouse’s untimely demise
November 26, 2016
In the first twenty years of my practice it was rare that a party died in the middle of divorce litigation or within a few
(Unwittingly) Coaching the children
November 25, 2016
To most people “coaching” children in the context of custody and visitation cases is telling a child to lie to the judge (or the guardian,
How to enforce an attorney fee award
November 17, 2016
A few months ago my mentee observed me enforce my attorney fee award through a family court contempt proceeding. Expecting me to prove the contempt
November 3, 2016
I often suggest to newly licensed attorneys wanting to learn how to practice a particular area of law that they go to the courthouse and
Where should one enforce a support order when the obligor resides elsewhere?
November 2, 2016
A common dilemna in family law is enforcing a support order when the obligor no longer resides in the issuing state. There are two reasonable
Is it really better to beg forgiveness than ask permission?
October 29, 2016
Early in my career one of my most trusted mentors would counsel me when I asked her about filing a motion or complaint in the
Should custody be dealt with in a separate order?
October 27, 2016
I recently completed a divorce case in which all issues other than child custody settled in the middle of trial. With the court’s permission, I
Obtaining electronically stored information in electronically stored format
July 21, 2016
A common idea among litigators is that an excellent way to hide damaging information is to produce it with a whole bunch of innocuous information.