No skin in the game

October 18, 2009

Rather than purchase a “starter home” (which I define as a modest first home one seeks to trade-up for as soon as one has moved

Mentoring newly licensed attorneys

October 17, 2009

In December 2008, the South Carolina Supreme Court reestablished a second pilot mentoring program, in which all qualifying lawyers admitted to the Bar between March 1,

Abuse and neglect mediations

October 17, 2009

The Chief Administrative Judge for the Charleston County Family Court, F.P. Segars-Andrews, has instituted mandatory mediation for all DSS abuse and neglect cases.  Volunteers, such

Does procedural due process mandate testimony at family court temporary hearings in South Carolina?

August 27, 2009

Our Supreme Court is confused and conflicted on testimony at family court temporary hearings.  Rule 21(b), SCRFC (a rule promulgated by the Supreme Court) states, “ [e]vidence

Small small victory

July 29, 2009

An appeal I handled for a local colleague, Douglas Barker, resulted in a published opinion today (July 29, 2009) from the Court of Appeals in

Mediation training and certification

July 28, 2009

I just completed the five-day, 40-hour Family Court Mediation Training offered by the South Carolina bar and led by Mary Lowndes Bryan and C. Cotton

Irresponsible baby daddies

June 15, 2009

One day I may post a blog describing my research on why the methods that South Carolina uses to collect back child support (sarcastically referred

The dual faces of helicopter parenting

April 30, 2009

I had lunch at my younger daughter’s elementary school today.  I am blessed to live and work within a half mile (10 minute bike ride)


