In praise of the additional sustaining ground

May 25, 2017

The Supreme Court opinion of Walker v. Brooks, 414 S.C. 343, 778 S.E.2d 477 (2015) was unique for my appellate experience in a number of

Maybe the judge is wrong

February 19, 2016

Earlier this week I spent two days presenting and attending a legal education seminar, “Family Law From Start to Finish.” As with most such seminars,

How to draft a family court final order that will get sustained on appeal

July 12, 2010

Pursuant to South Carolina Rule of Family Court 26 (a & b): An order or judgment pursuant to an adjudication in a domestic relations case

Why family court attorneys should know how to do appeals

July 6, 2010

There are approximately a half dozen family law attorneys in the Charleston, South Carolina area whom I consider extremely underrated.   Typically their hourly rate

Was it a mistake to prevent immediate appellate review of temporary family court orders?

March 11, 2010

It is extremely difficult to get family court temporary orders modified merely upon a claim that the order issued was unfair, based upon inaccurate information,

Appellate decisions that reduce clarity

December 11, 2009

One important feature of appellate decisions is that they generally clarify the law.  This clarity leads to greater justice at lower expense as trial court

More dang unpublished opinions

October 14, 2009

A few weeks ago, I complained about the South Carolina appellate courts issuing uncitable, unpublished opinions from cases that were not decided in a summary

The problematic jurisprudence of uncitable appellate opinions in the internet era

September 18, 2009

Why should appellate courts be able to overrule or alter the decisions of lower courts?  Why should they have the authority to make important and


